Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Guess what?

Woohoo i'm back!

Been MIA for the past month, partly due to my laziness and partly due to a certain problem which prevents me from logging in to blogger. No idea what was it but everytime i try to load blogger my IE will hang.

Anyway, the burning question is, Have i or have i not quitted?

The answer is.......... YES.

And no.


I'm still eating the meals. Plus a bit more of slack here and there. haha

Gym wise i found it difficult to motivate my fat ass to go to the gym and work out ever since i came back from shanghai. Shall find a solution. Somehow. =X

And no. I didn't swell back. My weight didn't increase.
It dropped to 72kg actually. Woohoo!

And remember i said i could do 2 pull up?

Now i can do 5! Wee! 1 more to ippt pass! And no kicking! All proper pull-ups.

72kg was the ideal weight i wanted back when i was a 80+kg secondary school/poly boy and now that i have acheived that, makes me... wanna maintain it. It would be better if i lose more though haha.

Its not helping when my friends keep telling me not to torture myself with all this inhumane eating. All this mental torturing to lose weight. I look fine the way i am. No need to slim down. You look better if you stop losing weight. I prefer when you were bigger.

Aiya. The moment i can't feel my love handles anymore, i will stop. They don't seem to be going away though. How? Weight loss cannot target spots one. Sian.

Well on the brighter side, my army pants don't fit me anymore. I will reveal half my undies when i wear it. I can wear the polo t-shirt i tried to squeeze in while holding my breathe in sispec easily now. Considering i was my thinnest in sispec. Now i'm thinner!

On other things, I was happy. I am happier =D