Saturday, November 29, 2008

awww babies...

Hmm 2nd post today.

Been watching Cheaper by the Dozen 2 on Ch 5 and the advertisements.

Then i saw one advertisement about the zoo. Where this small little girl asks her father an impossible number of questions that a normal person can't possibly answer.

"Why is it's neck so long? Why is it's nose so long?" etc. etc. etc.

The advertisement was not bad. Showcased the activities that you can do in the zoo... the animals you can see... the new attractions that are in the zoo. I mean. Since when was there a boat ride in the zoo?

Pardon me haha but the last time i've been to the zoo was probably... primary 4? or somewhere around there.
Thats like at least 10 effing years!

Tell me when's the last time you've been to the zoo? SJ? Brandon? ah brandon probably went with his many gullible 14 years old mei mei(s). haha.

Well unless people like going there for dates or whatever, good for them. Unlike them i have been single for quite a while. and its weird to ask a group of guys to see giraffes and kangeroos.

"Hey guys lets go see the cute monkeys and feed them our juicy bananas!"

Probably not.

The advertisement ended off nicely with the little girl tired and asking for the father to carry her.

The father dotingly obliged. Aww...

That probably is in everybody's mind when they saw that image.

Well a loving and normal father would probably do that for any of his children. Lets think back of the times when we were young.

Don't we all love to be craddled by our mum and dad? Don't we all love the feeling of sleeping on the couch and waking up in your own bed with the blanket covering ur body all cozy. ah parental love. We love our parents don't we? =D

Remember how we would ask to sit on our fathers' shoulders so that we could see everything and feel on top of the world? Then they will hold our arms and swing it like our arms are connected to our body not by bones and joints but like wood and ropes?

All the while we were having a roller coaster ride and even after it we would continuosly ask for it again, again, again!

But we didn't realise all the while our parents were literally letting a couple of rice sacks riding on their shoulders.

I'm not sure about you but i was fat. And i loved to be carried around. Who wants to walk when u can be carried? =D

And i was heavy. I used to ask for my dad and mum to carry me around, carry me on their shoulders, piggy back me, you name it, i tried it.

I wonder where do parents find the strength to do all this stuff. Issit because of love? Issit because we are their own flesh and blood and thats why somehow our weight in their hands defies the laws of physics and everything negates to zero?

I mean come on!

Back in secondary school, i'm sure everybody went through this, during those ridiculous P.E sessions, where the insane P.E teachers hands you a remarkable and yet simple equipment which everybody remembers and hate.

I introduce to you:

The Medicine Ball.

I've always wonder whats inside the Medicine ball. Issit really medicine? lol How can medicine ball weigh so much? and why issit called a medicine ball in the first place? it has nothing to do with drugs i think?

Yea anyway, our P.E teacher would tell us to carry one, usually 3kg for girls and 5kg for guys, and run up staircase A to level 3, run across the corridor, down staircase B to lvl 2, around the hall, down staircase C to the carpark, back of canteen, back of workshop, basketball court and back to starting point. All under 3mins. And we were suppose to do it 3 or 4 times within that painfully slow 30mins of hell.

OK i exaggerated a little. But then we died. DIED. Just carrying a round ball of 3kg/5kg weight and run around for 15mins. Our parents carried us, piggy bagged us the whole day and they don't complain to us how tired they are. They would always smile and pick you and your bloody 20-40kg body up.

In the army. A M16 weighs roughly 3kg? A Full field pack around 10kg and with the sbo probably a bit more. Once again we died. We hated route march and SOC. We hated carrying the bags+gun+sbo combo and do all sort of stuff. Oh i forgot. The effing helmet. We hated wearing the helmet and slinging the rifle while building basha however you spell it. Even though i'm sure the helmet probably weighs less than 1/10 of a healthy baby.

So, be grateful to your parents. The amount of love they gave, time they sacrificed, money they wasted, bringing us up to whoever we are today. Don't waste it by going to smoke, forcefully inflict trauma to your liver by drinking excessively, wasting your parents hard earn money by gambling and losing $20 on soccer every single day, every single match, and risking your parent's flesh and blood by contracting AIDS and what not by going to whores.

Of course, people who actually did all that probably won't be reading my blog anyway. Too damn stupid to do so.

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